Sunday, May 15, 2016

Little Scream - Pleasant Album release party

Little Scream
Theatre Fairmount, Montreal

Little Scream was the opening band for Land Of Talk who was back after 5 years without any presence, but it was also Little Scream's release party at the same time. I only watched Little Scream play since I didn't anything about Land of Talk and I only had an hour to spare.

So Little Scream played a great 40 minutes set of a greatly diverse musical style and combination of her albums. Sometimes minimalistic music, sometimes with more beats enhanced by the drummer who was using a lot of different types of sticks, tape playing with the melodies and the one-note playing bassist who didn't have a lot to play most of the time. Little Scream was always smiling and mocked herself when she forgot the lyrics to her song on her own album launch concert.

She invited her producer to sing with her during the last song.

It was a pleasant evening in a really cozy theatre and I was just in front of the stage to admire the band and the guitar and vocal ability of the singer.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Eagles of Death Metal - Enjoying life as much as they can

Eagles of Death Metal
May 5 2016
Metropolis Montreal

It's only been a few months since the horrible events that they went through in Paris during their Bataclan concert, but the Eagles of Death Metal are back on tour and making the best out of each show and probably of every moment of their life as it seemed during this show.

They were co-headlining the show with DFA 1979 which I've seen a couple of times and decided to only watch EoDM at his event.
I was happy to be there and also nervous at the beginning due to what happened in Paris, but it quickly went away when the show started. The singer, Jesse Hughes, was in splendid form as he showed us during his multiple dance steps he took during some of the off singing moments in most of the songs. His singing was great, he seemed happy throughout the show while addressing the crowd thanking everyone to be there, that they were really happy to be in Montreal (and not necessarily in LA like their songs say) and he kept saying how he loved his band mates and his tech guys. It was an evening full of love, "Amen" and "Can you dig it?, amen!".

During some of the songs, Jesse doesn't play the guitar, but concentrates on singing and dancing so while this happens, his guitar technician will come and play the guitar parts which is something I've never seen before in a show it was surprising, but obviously the technician was really talented so wouldn't offend anyone of course.

Everyone in the crowd was singing, dancing and being loud as much as they could during the songs and really listening to everything the band had to say as a mark of respect which was great.
Near the end of the show, the band decided to truly show their playing ability by doing some great solo performances, so the guitar player and the bassist started while Jesse was gone, but then the spotlights changed location to show Jesse on the upper balcony with a guitar and then it was his turn to do a guitar solo which really showed how good he is alone.
After a few minutes, he came back on stage to continue the solo competition with each other member doing their thing.

The show ended not long after that and it was a great moment to be there and hear such a good, loving band playing songs totally melodic, catchy and fun to dance to.